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Showing posts from 2017

Association for Childhood Education International

ACEI 125 Years and Counting 1892-Present Committed to Innovation and Education for All Since the very beginning, ACEI has been an international organization driven by the belief that education is essential to human development. More than a century later, this core belief remains the same as we look at human development on a global scale and see how education has the power to change lives. Today, our commitment to advancing education translates to a commitment to education as a tool for global development and sustainable futures for all. ACEI works for the education of all children, but has a special interest in ensuring that our energies are focused on meeting the education needs of the most fragile and vulnerable children. ACEI’s work began in 1892, with the effort to promote kindergarten education in the United States and internationally. In the 1930s, we broadened our focus to progressive education and education through the primary sc

National Association for Family Child Care

NAFCC Research shows that opportunities in the early years matter for success in school and in life, and family child care providers like NAFCC members are leading the way. Family child care is the work of child care provided in a professional caregiver’s home.  Across the country, family child care homes provide high-quality programs for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, school age, and children with special needs. Building the supply of high-quality family child care is essential for families, for communities, and for expanding early learning opportunities for young children. Across the country, eleven million children under age five are in child care. There are three million children in family child care. There are approximately 1 million paid providers caring for children in a home-based setting. The supply of licensed family child care is declining when it should be rising to meet the needs of working families and the urgency of early le